Monday, October 19, 2009

Sweet little Nicholas

Nicholas is still in the hospital. We are on month three now. He has been diagnosed with a condition called bronco-pulminary displaysia. This means that he has damage to his lungs caused by the equipment used to keep him alive when he was born. It wasn't anything that the doctors did wrong, or anything that wasn't done properly, but just an unfortunate side effect. Some of the side effects of his condition is poor eating habits. It literally sucks every ounce of energy out of him when he tries to drink a bottle. One of the requirements for him to be able to come home is that he must be able to take all of his feedings by a bottle, for 2 days in a row. We were doing really good for a while, and then suddenly he slowed down, which caused him to have to stay in the hospital longer. Everyone was angry, saying "they should just let him come home. Even if he isn't eating well, we can deal with it.". However, these past few days, God showed me yet again, why his plan doesn't match our plan. Yesterday, and the day before, Nicholas started having heart rate drops. One of them was so severe that they had to pick him up and shake him to make him start breathing again. It was in his sleep. Had he been at home, we would have never known his heart rate was dropping.
I think that everyone has to remember that Nicholas is in God's hands. God put him at Presbyterian hospital for a reason. Maybe he knew what he was facing, and knew that the doctors here would be able to help him.
It has taken me a while to come to terms with the fact that Nicholas is not a healthy baby. I can't expect him to grow and mature like a healthy baby. I have to be patient and understand that his homecoming is going to happen. It just has to happen on his terms. When Nicholas is ready.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

A few weeks

A few weeks have passed since the last post, but so much has happened. At the end of the last post, we were sure Eva was coming home. We made the preperations, but Eva decided she didn't want to leave her brother and had some complications. She ended up staying another week, and then came home. Matt went to pick her up because I had a crisis at work. She joined the family and filled part of the puzzle that was missing.
For the most part, we love having her home. The 2:00 A.M. feedings has become a sore spot in our marriage. We both think the other should be doing it, and is the cause of many sleepy arguments!!! But, then, as I look down at her sweet face as she sucks her bottle down, I remember how blessed we are to have the opportunity to have a 2:00 feeding and I hug her just a little tighter. I was really bummed that I couldn't take time off work to be with her until she was big and healthy enough to go to daycare. However, after much prayer and soul searching, Matthew and I decided that if she couldn't be with me all day, there was only one other place that I was sure she would get the most love, attention and care that she needed. Off to grandma's house she goes!! I feel so blessed that I can go to work and not even worry about her. She is in the best hands, and I suspect Grandma has a direct line to Jesus, so I can't think of a better place for her to be.
As far as her development goes, she is a three month old, trapped in a newborn's body. She is, for all practical purposes, a newborn baby. However, the doctor says by the time she is a year old, she will catch up.

Nicholas on the other hand, wasn't so eager to come home. He has had issues with his breathing, and given us several scares.
But, he finally decided early last week that he was tired of the hospital, and started getting better. She started yanking his oxygen tube out, and wanting to breathe on his own.
He started eating his bottles, and acting like a real baby! By the grace of God, and the prayers of our loved ones, we expect him home in five days.

I have to post some pictures soon!! Thank you all so much for keeping up with our journey.

Monday, September 7, 2009

As I sit here on this lazy Labor day, I realize that I haven't posted in a while on Eva and Nicholas' blog. I apologize for the lack of updates, but you will have to forgive me as life has been rather busy. I'm not sure if anyone even reads this anymore, but I feel like I owe it to my little angels to keep thier story going.

Since the last update, so much has happened. Since they have been here, they have both grown so much. They have hit the five pound mark. Eva no longer has a feeding tube. After several nights of her pulling it out, the nursing staff finally took the hint and kept it out. She decided she was to big for that, she could eat like a big girl.

Nicholas is trying so hard to be a big boy. He is eating two bottles a day. He is also trying to breathe without his supplemental oxygen. He is quite a cutie. He is very alert and seems to recognize voices. I pray so hard for him. I pray that he will get strong like his sister.

This of course leads us to the most exciting, or the most saddest news, depending on how you look at it.

Sweet Eva will be coming home tommorrow. She has successfully graduated from the NICU, and the special care, and is ready to join the family. I am so happy, and excited for her, as she gets to meet everyone, and get hugs and cuddles.

But, why am I sad you may ask... Eva coming home means that Nicholas will be all alone. He won't have his sister in the room with him anymore. I can't help but think that his little heart may be broken. I don't want him to think we all just left and he's all alone now. I know it sounds silly. I know you are all thinking "He's just a baby, he doesn't know..Misty is overreacting again". But, They were together in my womb for as long as I could hold them, they were together in the NICU together, and they were together in the special care. I like to think they secretly cheer each other on, in a language only babies can understand. I can't help but think that he would worry when he would hear her monitors go off, or the same for her. I can't help but think in the wee hours of the morning, when the nurses are out of the room, and it is quiet and still, he can look across the room, and she could look back, and their eyes lock, and they know they are there for each other.
What will he think Wednesday morning, when he looks, and no one is there?

Hurry up little guy. Get better soon. Come home with us. We are all waiting for you.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

long awaited update

The twins are doing better than we had ever hoped and prayed for. As of last week, they were transferred from the NICU to the special care nursery. This is the place where they start learning how to become real babies!! They will learn how to eat, hold their body temperature, and outgrow their apnea.

They both will probably be coming out of their incubators this week. Eva is a little stronger than her brother. She is completely off his oxygen, but he still needs his. The goal is for him to come off of it within the next week.

They are wearing their own clothes now, and look as adorable as can be.

They both have broken the four pound mark, and get bigger every day.

Any family that wants to visit is welcome. Matt and I are at the hospital Monday, Wednesday and Friday nights, and Saturday until around noon or 1. Just give us a call and we can authorize you to come in and visit.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Good news yet again

Sorry I haven't posted in a few days. I went back to work this week, so I have been extra busy.

I got a great report from the hospital this morning. Both babies are ready to get rid of their central IV lines. This is great progress because it means that they are tolerating their feeds so well that they won't need the extra nutrients. This makes me happy because it means that my milk is now supplying them with everything they need.

Eva is now at 3 pounds 5 ounces, and Nicholas is now 3 pounds 6 ounces. My little peanuts are getting very big and healthy.

Matthew and I are so happy that we are still on a good streak health wise. We are both hoping that they continue to strive.

Keep those prayers coming guys.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

another great update

We have more great news. Nicholas has sucessfully fully recovered from NEC. We are so thankful for all of the prayers and well wishes. It makes me so happy to type this. He started getting fed yesterday at 3:00 p.m. Eva has also been doing great as well.

I just wanted to spread some good news!!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Babies are growing

As the saying goes, no news is good news. We went to visit last night and for the most part everything is going great. Nicholas is getting better every day. He is out of the woods as far as the the N.E.C. is concerned. They are still holding his food for another few days just to be on the safe side.

Eva's belly looked big last night, so they decided to hold her food again for a few days just to be safe. The on call doctor said that most likely, the tummy was big because she hadn't had a big poop all day, and they increased her oxygen levels, which could have caused more air in the tummy.

We will go see them again tommorrow night!

I can't wait.

Monday, July 27, 2009

a Good Report

Tonight was the first night Matt and I left the hospital in good spirits. Both of the babies were actually doing wonderful tonight. Nicholas' X-ray showed great improvement this morning. He had to get a blood transfusion, but it was explained that it is very normal for premature babies to need transfusions, and nothing serious.

Eva has not only made it back to her birthweight, but gone four ounces above. Nicholas is only 4 oz away from his birthweight.

Both babies were alert, moving, and happy!!

Keep praying, everyone!!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Getting better every day

Our report from the hospital was good this morning. Nicholas is still stable, and not actively getting any worse, which is a very good sign. Eva of course is just cruising on through. The nurse told us yesterday that she went to peek in on her and she had pulled her feeding tube out and was swinging it around as if to say "feed me please". She started back on breast milk today. She gets 2 ml's every four hours.

Nicholas isn't eating right now, but hopefully soon he will be able to eat again.

We have decided that trying to go to the hospital every day was getting to be to much on us financially and emotionally. The kids at home were getting shuffled so much from place to place and we decided they needed some sense of normalcy. Therefore, we have decided to go every other day. This way, we only need babysitters for Monday's and Wednesday's.

I know alot of people have been asking what they can do to help us. I'm always shy about asking for help, but it gets to the point that we start to realize that we can't do this alone. Some things that would really help out our family:

1. Prayers, first and foremost: The babies I don't think would be doing as well as they are without the prayers of our family and friends. They are truly miracles of God.

2. Recipes for quick and easy dinners would be great. It is so hard to try to plan meals, feed Matt and I, and the kids, and get to the hospital. If you have any easy recipes that are quick and easy to throw together, please send them my way.

3. Babysitting Volunteers for Monday's and Wednesday's. I always hate calling and asking people to babysit, because I hate to feel like I am burdening people. However, any family members who want to volunteer, it would really make me feel better, and not like I am constantly bugging people.

4. Prepaid gas cards: We are struggling financially, especially with me being out of work for a month and a half. The gas going back and forth to the hospital is killing us right now.

5. Pictures of family to hang on the babies incubators. The nurses told me that alot of the babies grow bigger and stronger faster by having pictures of their families taped to their incubators. Also, pictures colored and drawn by cousins can be taped as well. Noelle has drawn a few and they are taped up, but if any cousins want to draw them pictures, I would be glad to take them up to the hospital.

6. Visitors: The babies, although to small to be held, thrive from hearing the voices of diffrent family members and friends. Anytime anyone wants to visit, just let Matt and I know. We would be glad to take you up to visit them. Unfortunetly, no children under 16 are allowed in right now.

Again, thank you guys so much for the continued support and prayers. We hope someday we can repay the kindness you all have shown us.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

update on Nicholas

We just got back from the hospital not to long ago. We got the information on Nicholas. Although he is by no means out of the woods yet, his condition is not worsening, which is a very good sign. He looks great, is pink, and active. The surgeon came in and had a look at him. He said that at this moment he does not meet any of the criteria that would require surgery. His belly is getting softer, and smaller. Those are good signs. Also, in his X-rays, he is not showing any signs of further stretching, but rather staying stable. The next two days are going to be a tell tale sign of whether or not he will be completely out of the woods. However, from the look of it, it seems that the antibiotics are doing their job, and the surgeon said he has only a mild case of a condition that could be alot worse. Let's all thank God for that.

prayers answered yet again!!

A big huge Thank You to all who have been praying for Nicholas. We got a call at 3:30 in the morning letting us know that the threat of surgery was gone. His X-ray at midnight showed much improvement which means that the antibiotics are healing the infection enough that he is going to be ok.

They did however have to put him back on the respirator for a few days. The enlarged tummy is pushing up on his lungs causing him to have trouble breathing on his own.

However, once again, God has blessed us and lifted us from a major problem to a little one.

Thank you Jesus.

Friday, July 24, 2009


Nicholas is in need of everyone's prayers. This morning they took an X-ray of his stomach and noticed a little spot of concern. They decided to watch it closely and do another x-ray at noon. After that x-ray, the doctor called and informed me that there was a place of concern in his intestines and that they decided to keep him off foods and start antibiotics for seven days. When we got to the hospital tonight around 7, they did another x-ray, and the doctor on call came to talk to us.

he has a condition called NEC. Basically what happened is that his intestines were not mature enough yet to handle the milk and started to grow an infection. There is a spot on his bowel that has started to stretch very thin and has a high likelyhood of tearing. Should this happen, he will have to be rushed into emergency surgery.

We are hoping and praying that the antibiotics will get in him and stop the infection before this happens, but the doctor said that in his experience, it is very a high likelyhood that he will have to have the surgery. Please pray for little Nicholas. Please pray that he will be OK and that his little body will not have to go through surgery.


Almost two weeks old

Everyone should be happy to know that Eva's tummy is much better now. She will be starting on breastmilk again sometime today. The doctor's don't really have an explination as to why it healed itself, but I think all of the prayers may have somthing to do with it.

Both babies are almost back to their birthweight. When this whole experience started, I was scared, and nervous, and a bucket of emotions. But, as each day goes by, and my sweet babies grow bigger and stronger, I know now that they will be coming home very soon.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Another day, another report

The babies looked really good last night. Nicholas was wide awake and very alert. I got to hold him for about 15 minutes, but he got to comfortable and started forgetting to breathe which was dropping his heart rate. This of course meant he had to go back to his incubator.

Daddy got tho hold Eva and sh was very alert. She was staring up at him and even gave a few smiles. She didn't have any breathing issues and was doing wonderful. Her tummy is still enlarged, so they are holding her feedings again today. She did hHave a rather large bowel movement last night which helped. We are just really hoping right now that the problem fixes itself and she doesn't have to have surgery.

Nicholas is now taking two ounces of breastmilk every 3 hours which is wonderful. In a few weeks they should start working with him on taking a bottle, and then he can move to breastfeeding.
He had to go ba ck under the blue lights today because his biliruben levels were up again, but hopefully he won't be under for long.

We did get a couple of really good pictures last night and I'll try to post some later.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


I got a call from the doctor today. She said that she was a little concerned about Eva. She hasn't been digesting her food very well. She also hasn't been having bowl movements as regularly as she should be. They did an x-ray and saw what could possibly be a small bowel obstruction. They have decided to hold her feedings for the next 48 hours and start her on antibiotics. They will do a follow up x-ray just to make sure everything is ok.

The doctor says that she is skeptical if it is a true bowel obstruction because Eva is very pink and happy. She is very alert and does not look or act sick.

Please pray that she will be just fine and can return to eating her yummy mommy milk very soon.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


The first picture is Eva wearing a dress that the nurses made. The second one is of me holding Nicholas for the first time. It was hard to get pictures of Nicholas because he had more tubes, but they have been removed now, so we should get some good pictures tommorrow.

Day 10 of NICU

Eva and Nicholas are doing great. Nicholas was taken off of his IV fluids and surviving purly from mommy's milk. Eva will start weaning off her IV fluids today. Matthew and I have been to visit them every day, but we decided to take a break today. The other children need some time with mommy and daddy so we are going to spend the evening with them.

Eva has a little dress that the nurses in the NICU put on her. She looks quite adorable.

Nicholas hates getting his diaper changed and tries to cry, but it comes out sounding more like a kitty cat meow.

Eva is quite the rebel. She likes to scoot herself down until her blanket is over her head. The nurses think she may try to escape soon. Yesterday, she felt she wasn't getting enough attention so she pulled her iv out of her hand. She is quite the trouble maker for only being 3 pounds.

Matthew and I are so grateful for the family's support during this difficult time. The babysitting offers, and prayers are certainly helping.

Monday, July 20, 2009


Nicholas and Eva Foster came into this world on July 11, 2009, two months too early. They weighed in at a whopping 3 pounds each.

I started this blog as a way for family to follow our journey through the NICU.

Please feel free to check in often to see how the little guys are doing.