Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Day 10 of NICU

Eva and Nicholas are doing great. Nicholas was taken off of his IV fluids and surviving purly from mommy's milk. Eva will start weaning off her IV fluids today. Matthew and I have been to visit them every day, but we decided to take a break today. The other children need some time with mommy and daddy so we are going to spend the evening with them.

Eva has a little dress that the nurses in the NICU put on her. She looks quite adorable.

Nicholas hates getting his diaper changed and tries to cry, but it comes out sounding more like a kitty cat meow.

Eva is quite the rebel. She likes to scoot herself down until her blanket is over her head. The nurses think she may try to escape soon. Yesterday, she felt she wasn't getting enough attention so she pulled her iv out of her hand. She is quite the trouble maker for only being 3 pounds.

Matthew and I are so grateful for the family's support during this difficult time. The babysitting offers, and prayers are certainly helping.

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